We conduct an extensive study before purchasing any household products or commodities. We spend a lot of time researching whether it's a mobile or a car. Furthermore, when we acquire or build a property, we scrutinize every detail, from the location to the architecture and planning.
However, when it comes to investing, we reserve all of our common sense, intelligence, IQ, knowledge, and skill sets specifically for the stock market.
First and foremost, we have no plans.
Second, even if we plan ahead of time, we procrastinate.
Third, our execution is inadequate.
Fourth, we never follow through on our plans.
Fifth, we swing in response to market movement.
Sixth, our biases become roadblocks to advancement.
Seventh, we restrict our knowledge and research.
Eighth, there is a lack of proper diversification & asset allocation.
Ninth, we never rebalance our assets.
Tenth, failing to secure future earnings.
We make a lot of bad financial decisions in our life.
Do we look for a better option while purchasing a vegetable?