Monday, February 20, 2023

Planning is not everything!

Planning is not everything, but it is one of the most fundamental aspects of accumulating wealth.

✅ If you don't plan, how would you determine whether your direction and speed are correct?

Investment planning can provide investors with a sense of control and peace of mind. 💎

📌️ However, for many investors who make direct equity investments, their short-term goals become long-term and vice versa depending on market movement.

If they are making good returns on their short-term investment, they extend it further in the hopes of making even more money. Additionally, if they do not receive adequate returns in the short term, they panic which causes their long tenure to end.

In fact, they are traders from within who seek to take advantage of market opportunities at all times.

It is important to understand that investors and traders require different mindsets, skill sets, and strategies.

You must keep your trading portfolio separate from your investment portfolio, which few people can do.

If you blend the two, there is a good chance that you will be neither satisfied with trading nor with investing and will eventually blame the market.

📌️ The key to winning performance is clearly defining the investment horizon and maintaining allocation.

In the short term, one should always prioritize safety, but in the long term, one should seek returns.

People do it otherwise; they seek returns in the short term while seeking safety in the long term.

📌️ Participating in a market without a strategy is financial suicide.

The losses caused by ignorance are far greater than the cost of learning all of those strategies or hiring professionals.

📌️ Planning focuses on reducing investors' risks by distributing their portfolios across various asset classes and regions.

In the event of a crisis, investors can reduce their exposure to any single investment and prevent substantial losses.

By having an investment plan, investors can feel more secure and less stressed about their finances, which can improve their quality of life. 💎

Planning is therefore an essential component of the investment journey. Tell me what else is crucial besides planning. 🔔

#financialplanning #financialliteracy #wealth #cfp #investing #moneyrules #financialadvisor #money #sandeeptahilramaney

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Do you know what is stopping you from reaching the top?

To get to the top, one must plan and practice. Even if you don't see immediate results, the right direction and daily baby steps are important.

To progress in life, we need SANGAT, AADAT, and GURU! 💎

📌️ Sangat (Surroundings):

It is said that the best way to know someone is to look around them.

✔️ You are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time!

Our surroundings have a significant impact on us, either directly or indirectly. As a result, we must exercise extreme caution when selecting our company.

For example, if all of your friends smoke, there is a good chance that you will start smoking sooner or later. If you are an investor and your friends are speculators, you will begin to speculate as well. It's quite obvious.

The good news is that we can always change our environment. If you believe your current circle is not helping you achieve your goal, act quickly to leave it.

Mastermind Alliance and Accountability Partner are always desirable and recommended. ✅

📌️ Aadat (Habits):

Habit is what we do on a daily basis at a subconscious level without even realizing it. Even if you are aware, the habit of doing something must come effortlessly.

If you are putting effort, it is not your habit, as simple as that.

To develop that habit, one must be consistent. ✅

Needless to say, the act should provide you with one or more benefits like - pleasure, relaxation, enjoyment, fulfillment, motivation, encouragement, or progress toward your goal.

Many people skip health-related measures like exercise or walking because it hasn't become a habit. They put effort and take a lot of pain to get it done. That is why they leave after a while.

The habit must be immersed without putting any strain on the mind or body.

📌️ Guru (Mentor):

The value of a mentor in one's life, whether personal or professional, cannot be overstated.

Always seek the advice of experts. It saves time and helps you get back on track if you become distracted.

Everyone in sports has a coach. Every artist succeeds because of their teacher.

You will receive timely advice and a clear road map to follow. However, it is entirely our responsibility to take that path.

In all cases, it is critical to understand where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Because the majority of people do not know what their goals are, they begin to count limitations.

The significance and existence of a teacher, trainer, coach, mentor, or guru are felt throughout life. ✅

What about your Sangat (Surroundings), Aadat (Habits), and Guru (Mentor)? If you haven't already, get it right away! 🔔

The cost of procrastination, ignorance, and self-doubt is massive, whether in personal or professional life.

Life is a game of determining where to take risks and where not to! ⚡

#financialplanning #financialliteracy #wealth #cfp #investing #moneyrules #financialadvisor #money #sandeeptahilramaney