The main hurdle to becoming wealthy is neither income nor resources but your own mindset to think rich. Your attitude towards money never allows you to plan to acquire huge wealth through investments. Everyone wants to be rich, however, people's minds are not programmed to get more money and this belief system needs to be changed at a subconscious level.
How many of you actually think to get 5 cr, 50 cr, 100 cr in your lifetime through SIP? Not even 1%. Believe it or not, this can be possible & achievable with a small monthly contribution even.
Just because you never thought of so you never planned and taken action. Only you need to have conviction, consistency, patience and give time to compound. Otherwise, the time has to pass by any way without giving any result, then why not utilize it in your own growth!
The problem is that you realize only when it's already too late to take any corrective measures. When 2 - 3 decades has already been lost, nothing can happen magically except...
अब पछताये होत क्या जब चिड़ियाँ चुग गई खेत!
Time & opportunities once lost, can't be restored again ever!
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