Tuesday, December 13, 2022

No sacrifice - no success!

Investing is not a quick or short-term process. It takes foresight, patience, and consistency. Whatever aspirations or dreams we have, can only be realized if we make investments in a proper way. We must take the necessary actions and allow enough time to reap the benefits later.

We will certainly never achieve our desired goals if:

- Concerned about negative returns in a short to medium time frame.

- Fear of daily market or portfolio volatility.

- Begin timing the market by determining when to enter, exit, and re-enter.

Investment is simply a transformation from a lower net worth to a higher net worth. The million-dollar question is what you are willing to give up today or how much pain you are willing to endure today in order to achieve a higher level in the future.

it is the universal law that says without sacrifice, there can be no success! 

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