Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Someone Wins, Someone Loses!

Some investment concepts are altogether different and beyond the comprehension of the average person. Few people win and many people lose in the wealth-creation process. It cannot always be a win-win situation for everyone.

To create wealth, somewhere unknown is losing money and someone else is profiting. Because equity prices never move in a straight line, instead, they rise and then fall. Sometimes the bias is upward, and sometimes it is downward. Therefore, most people start timing the market. It is advantageous for traders but dangerous for investors. 

However, keep in mind that the majority of people lose money not because the market is bad, but because they do not understand and learn from it. Every day, the market teaches us something new. Nobody is perfect in this area. It's a game of possibility and probability. 

Learn how to turn the odds in our favor.

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